Thursday, October 18, 2007

Calus and relief

We returned to Rochester yesterday for a follow up xray. At one week, Sy's bone had moved out of place to its allowable limit. If the follow up xray showed more movement, we would be starting over with reduction and a hospital stay for traction. This would have meant increased pain for Sy and loss of sanity for his parents. I was more stressed out about it then I realized for when they looked at the xray and said it had not moved, I felt like I weighed less and could smile. Ahhhhh. There is calus (the new bone) forming around the break so it is very unlikely that the bones should move anymore. Hopefully four more weeks in the spica cast!!! He says his new leg cast is going to be pink! Watch out for this pink casted boy on crutches.
Tomorrow Sy is going to Olive's classroom for "show and tell.":)

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